Influencing corporate cultures to value the contributions and wellbeing of all their employees.

Kristina guides you to get the best results through your own insights.

In coaching women across the professional hierarchy, I seek to improve corporate culture and thus increase retention rates - whether this is through better corporate management, improved well-being and inclusion rates, and/or attention to ESG (environmental, social and governance) matters. Ultimately, both employee and employer benefit
Kristina's vision

If you still have some questions, have a look below

What’s Kristina's coaching philosophy?

For Kristina, coaching is a positive way to accelerate your professional growth. It’s personal time for you in a confidential setting outside of your work environment when you can truly relax and explore issues with a neutral third party who exists to help you move forward by gaining insights yourself, which will motivate you to change and adapt to reach your goals.

Does Kristina use Professional Profiling? If yes, which ones and why?

Yes, she uses them. There are a number of different ones to use. They serve as a great way to get to know you and to begin your sessions highlighting strengths. It’s a great way to start. They are then very informative as we discuss how your strengths and weaknesses influence your goals.

How does Kristina blend her coaching with her consultancy skills?

Kristina's coaching practice is quite separate to her consultancy, which is important when respecting the boundaries of each different technique. If she advises you as a coaching client, she is making it possible for you to form your own insights, which is fundamental in coaching. Kristina's consultancy skills often prove invaluable during her coaching sessions as she is able to incorporate her  understanding of the corporate environment and an awareness of best practice into the session. Both aspects influence the nature of her questions during coaching sessions. As a result you will receive a deeper and possibly more specific experience.

Why did Kristina become a coach?

As you’ve probably heard or read elsewhere on this website, Kristina is passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of professional women. As a coach, Kristina is in a position to achieve that ambition and combined with her consulting practice which helps women to make the necessary changes in their organisations so that the work culture is more inclusive and friendly to all employees, she hopes she can influence real change.

What is Kristina most proud of?

In her coaching career, she is most proud of her clients when they reach some powerful insights which feed their purpose, intent, and action, confident that they’re in the right place, with good life balance.  

What does progress or success look like for Kristina?

Very simply that you feel empowered and ready for action by the end of your sessions. The success is further validated when you return for more. Hiring a coach is the best action you can take to improve your professional life.