have considered leaving their workplace or downshifting their careers due to burnout
urgently need to learn new digital skills to keep up with current demands of their role
to close the global gender gap at the current rate of progress
Professional women, current executives.
First time managers and leaders.
Colleagues wanting to drive change.
I met Kristina at a network and we hit it off straight way, we shared the same passions and values to help people. Both of us had come from corporate backgrounds and similar personal life challenges and then we ended up advising and helping each other with business ideas (mentoring each other) Kristina has a wealth of knowledge and has a passion for always learning and developing her skills.
I have been leading large military organisations for 30 years but I constantly learn something new about leading and managing from Kristina. Her wisdom, insight and experience are invaluable and will greatly benefit any organisation that is fortunate enough to have her on their team.